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China to boost structural reforms to stabilise growth: Premier Li
Release time:2016-01-25
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China’s Premier, Li Keqiang, said on Friday that the Government would continue to boost structural reforms to create stable conditions for economic growth, Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

Mr Li was speaking at the fifth plenary meeting of the State Council. He stated that, in addition to structural reforms, the Central Government would use fiscal and monetary policies – and measures related to investment and prices – to ensure economic stability, according to Xinhua.

A draft of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan – covering the period from 2016 to 2020 – was analysed during the meeting, the media outlet reported. Mr Li said – as quoted by Xinhua – the country’s economic blueprint was crucial for building a moderately prosperous society.

The news agency also quoted Mr Li as saying the Chinese Government faces difficult tasks in order to help the country reach its annual growth targets.

He noted that not only had some international institutions lowered their estimates regarding the growth rate of the global economy, but also China faces domestic economic issues.

The Chinese Premier also said China would promote new paths to economic expansion and would try to stabilise the growth of imports in relation to the growth of exports. He additionally said the country would enhance reforms relating to state-owned enterprises.