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Chinese company starts work on new cement plant in Mozambique
Release time:2023-08-18
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In 18 months' time, Mozambique will produce more than 9.3 million tons of cement, with the start-up of the second production unit of the company "Dugongo Cimentos Nampula", located in the district of Nacala, in the northern province of Nampula.

The foundation stone for the construction of this plant was laid on the 7th of August in the Ontupaia district, on the outskirts of the port city of Nacala. The event was witnessed by the Minister of Industry and Trade, Silvino Moreno and other government officials and business managers.

The factory is an investment by the Chinese "West International Holding Group", under a memorandum with the government, worth 192 million US dollars, which will boost the manufacturing industry, especially the building materials sector

(Source: Mozambique Information Agency)