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China is the biggest destination for exports from the Brazilian city of Rondonopolis
Release time:2023-01-17
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Rondonópolis has another year of positive results in exports and reaches US$ 2.971 billion in exports in 2022. With a growth of 36.9% in exports compared to 2021, the city reached the end of the year as the 15th largest exporter in Brazil.

Most of Rondonópolis’ exports in 2022 had Asian countries as destination. China continues to be the main destination for exported products. With an increase of 26.8% this year, US$ 777 million were exported to the country.

Thailand also stands out as the second main destination of exports. In 2022, Rondonópolis exported a total of US$ 573 million to the Asian country, with an increase of 60.3% in relation to 2021. Indonesia, another Asian country, received US$ 355 million in exports from Rondonópolis, an increase of 10.2% over the previous year.

(Source: Site of the Rondonópolis City Hall)