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Chinese doctors provide free treatment in Guinean villages
Release time:2015-09-22
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A group of Chinese doctors is providing free treatment in a village in Guinea Bissau as part of a health campaign the medics launched in that country, Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua reported, as quoted by Shanghai Daily’s online edition.

The Chinese medical team, based at the Bissau military hospital, launched the health campaign to offer free treatment outside the Guinean capital.

“Our aim is to help people who do not have access to hospitals and health centres,” the team leader Luo Li said, as quoted by Xinhua.

A group of 12 Chinese doctors went during the weekend to the village of Quinhamel, around 40 kilometres from Bissau. Doctors hope to provide free treatment for at least 200 patients there.

According to Xinhua, the medical team’s health campaign is due to cover all regions of Guinea Bissau.