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The hall of the International Conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, rehabilitated by China, was handed over
Release time:2023-04-06
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On the 28th of March, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities of Guinea-Bissau, Suzi Carla Barbosa, spoke at the International Conference Hall handover ceremony, which was rehabilitated with China’s support.

“I thank that country, for having been a permanent partner of Guinea-Bissau and above all for being an unavoidable partner for our development, for having built and rehabilitated several infrastructures in the country, namely the Palace of the Republic, of the Government, of the Justice, the 24th of September National Stadium, among others. These are works that mark the progress of this nation, and we want to continue to rely on them for new projects in the works”, said the head of Guinean diplomacy.

Speaking of new projects supported by China, Suzi Barbosa announced shortly the start of construction work on the new headquarters building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose works are budgeted at US$4 million.

(Source: ANG News)