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Huawei aims to reach the top 3 of the data center infrastructure market in Brazil
Release time:2023-05-05
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Celebrating 25 years in Brazil in 2023, the Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer Huawei, which already has a strong presence in telecommunications networks, plans to reach the top 3 in the data center infrastructure market within three years.

The objective was confirmed by Barbara Pizzolato, Vice President of Data Center at Huawei Brazil, on the 27th of April, during the company’s event with integrators and resellers in Votorantim, São Paulo.

Huawei announced the strengthening of its partnership with WDC Networks. From now on, the company specializing in TaaS (Technology “as a Service”) will be responsible for distributing the Chinese company’s data center equipment in Brazil.

According to Barbara, the strategy to conquer the Brazilian public involves expanding the portfolio and speeding up the delivery capacity, which varies from 60 to 90 days.

(Source: Tele.Síntese)