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First shipment of Brazilian lithium has already arrived in China
Release time:2023-06-01
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The first shipment of 55,000 tons of lithium from Brazil, a rare metal vital for the manufacture of batteries for electric cars, arrived at the port of Quanzhou, in China’s Fujian province, according to Quanzhou Business News on the 29th of May.

The financial newspaper noted that, given the shortage of lithium, Quanzhou customs immediately allowed the ore to be cleared, to ensure that it could be put into battery production as soon as possible.

This shipment, which arrived in Quanzhou on the 15th of May after another month of travel, was also the first shipment of lithium imported by China this year, said the Chinese port customs representative.

The opening of this international trade channel has created a solid foundation for the future arrival of more raw materials, including lithium carbonate, in Quanzhou.

(Source: SAPO)