“Portugal manages to have a projection in the region of Macau that it still can’t have in China. Our presence here is very relevant, it is a signal that we are giving to the issuing market as a whole,” said the representative of Portugal Tourism in China, Tiago Brito, speaking to journalists during the Macau International Travel Expo (MITE), held in Macau from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July.
Portugal participated in the MITE at the invitation of the Macau government, which financed the construction of the pavilion. Turismo de Portugal was responsible for the design of the space and the Portuguese Institute of the Orient (IPOR) organized the entertainment.
The Portuguese Association of Travel Agencies and Tourism (APAVT) was also invited by the Macau Government Tourism Office and brought the companies Alive, Club Tour, High Sun, Leading, Newtour, GEA, Bestravel, Pinhal Tour, Sonhando and Wamos Portugal, as well as the Lisbon Tourism Association (ATL) in its delegation.
(Source: Pressetur)