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Syngenta acquires Feltrin Sementes and expands its presence in Brazil
Release time:2023-07-10
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Syngenta, Swiss multinational with Chinese capital and leader in the development of technologies for the agricultural market around the world, announced on July 3rd the acquisition of Feltrin Sementes, a company that is a reference in vegetable seeds in South America. The transaction involved the purchase of 100% of the shares of the company, which has units in Caxias do Sul, Jaguariúna, Janaúba and Argentina.

With the acquisition of Feltrin Sementes, Syngenta expands its presence in Brazil and South America, offering solutions and specialized support for farmers, especially in seeds, crop protection and digital services. Syngenta has acted aggressively in its purchases in Brazil. In recent years, it acquired Agro Jangada, Vipagro, Nidera, Dipagro and Strider.

State-owned China National Chemical Corp. extended its offer to the Swiss group by US$43 billion in 2016 and the purchase was completed in July 2017.

(Source: News Magazine)