Member Countries
Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao visits Angola
Release time:2023-06-26
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A delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), led by Secretary-General Ji Xianzheng, visited Angola from June 22 to 23. During its stay in Angola, the delegation visited the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Mr Gong Tao, and held meetings with the Secretary of State for Trade of Angola, Mr Amadeu Leitão Nunes, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Angola, Mr Téte António. In addition, the delegation visited Huawei’s technology park in Angola, the Marginal da Corimba Urban Project by China Road and Bridge Corporation located in Luanda, and exchanged views with the responsible persons of the enterprises.

During the meetings with the Angolan authorities, Secretary-General Ji Xianzheng introduced the work of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao in promoting economic and trade cooperation with Portuguese-speaking Countries (PSCs) in Mainland China and Macao, strengthening ties with provinces and cities in Mainland China, carrying out human resource training, promoting cultural exchanges, and so on. He said that the Permanent Secretariat will continue to promote cooperation between China and Angola in various fields in accordance with the Strategic Plan for Economic and Trade Co-operation proposed in the Ministerial Conference, supporting Angola’s industrialization and economic diversification. The involved parties also exchanged views on the preparation of the Sixth Ministerial Conference.

Secretary Amadeu Leitão Nunes, expressed his appreciation for the support given by China to Angola’s socio-economic development in various sectors over the years. He added that Angola’s National Development Plan for 2023-2027 focuses on industrial and agricultural development, with particular emphasis on the pharmaceutical, textile, chemical, and automobile sectors. At present, Angola is actively promoting economic diversification and attracting international investment in order to reduce its overreliance on oil exports. Moreover, Angola will continue to actively participate in Forum Macao’s activities to strengthen cooperation in various fields. He also extended an invitation to welcome more Chinese enterprises to invest in Angola.

Minister Téte António stated that Angola and China are strategic partners and that Angola looks forward to expanding cooperation with China in various fields. In the 20 years since its establishment, Forum Macao has become an important complement to bilateral cooperation between China and PSCs. The Angolan government is willing to continue to actively utilize Forum Macao and the Macao platform to consolidate cooperation between China and Angola in areas such as the blue economy, youth entrepreneurship, and SMEs development.

The meetings were attended by: Deputy Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Mr Paulo Jorge Rodrigues do Espírito Santo; Deputy Secretary-General, Mr Casimiro de Jesus Pinto; Coordinator of the Support Office, Ms Teresa Mok; Angolan Liaison of Forum Macao, Mr Miguel Dialamicua; Representative of Angola, Mr Agostinho João António dos Santos; and Advisor of the Executive Office, Ms Li Jiabei.