Member Countries
Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao pays visit to the Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce
Release time:2023-02-22
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February 20, a delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), led by the Secretary-General, Mr Ji Xianzheng, visited the Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM). The two parties exchanged views on the overview of the work carried out by the Permanent Secretariat in 2022, the work plan for 2023, and the preparation of a series of activities to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Forum Macao.

On behalf of the Permanent Secretariat, Secretary-General Ji thanked the MOFCOM for its support to the work of the Permanent Secretariat over the years and introduced the major work carried out by the Secretariat in the past year and the work plan for 2023. Secretary-General Ji reported that in 2023, the Secretariat will focus on implementing the outcomes of the Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting; working on the preparations for the 6th Ministerial Conference, the 20th anniversary of Forum Macao, and the 15th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries; as well as supporting the construction of the China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Platform in Macao. In addition, it will promote diversified activities such as meetings, exhibitions, tours, symposiums, dissemination and collaboration with multilateral organizations to strengthen the quality and level of Sino-Lusophone cooperation in trade and investment.

The Director-General of the Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the MOFCOM, Mr Zong Changqing, introduced the national strategy of opening-up and the key tasks for the MOFCOM in 2023. He stated that the MOFCOM has attached great importance to the work of Forum Macao. In 2023, the Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs will maintain close cooperation with all relevant units regarding the organization of the 20th anniversary celebration of Forum Macao; actively support the Permanent Secretariat in its strategies to “go global” and “bring in investments”; and develop a wider range of economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. At the same time, it will further strengthen the construction of the cooperation mechanism with Forum Macao in order to drive Forum Macao to a higher level.