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Forum Macao dedicated to training talents, continues to make available internship opportunities
Release time:2021-08-09
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In order to promote the training of local talents as enshrined in the Policy Address of the Macao SAR Government, and to consolidate Macao’s role as a Platform, the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) signed last year a cooperation and exchange agreement with Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI). The agreement aimed to establish a regular internship programme for students from MPI’s courses on Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpretation, and Social Sciences in Public Administration.

In February and March this year, three students from Portuguese-speaking Countries, on MPI’s course on Social Sciences in Public Administration, took part in a 70-hour internship at the Support Office of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao. They were able to learn about the administrative structure and operating procedure of the Support Office, as well as administrative and financial work, public relations activities, and information dissemination and translation. Via the internship, students were able to acquire necessary skills applicable in their future professional roles in the area of administrative management.

Between May and July, students of MPI’s Master’s course in Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpretation – including five specialising in translation, and three specialising in interpretation – took part in internships at the Support Office, lasting respectively a total of 225 hours and 180 hours.

The interns have enriched their knowledge and practical experience in translation and interpretation via a series of events. These included: exchanges with Representatives of the Portuguese-speaking Countries; thematic lectures on translation; participation in exhibitions and workshops of the 13th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries; and by accompanying the Ambassadors of Portuguese-speaking Countries to China during a number of activities. 

In the future, the Support Office will continue its cooperation with higher education institutions, including MPI, to provide more internship opportunities in different areas, and options for specialisation among students from Mainland China, Macao, and Portuguese-speaking Countries, contributing to the development of Macao as a Training Centre for Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Professionals.