Member Countries
Ahhui Federation of Trade Unions and CUT strengthen ties
Release time:2024-07-02
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A delegation from the Ahhui Federation of Trade Unions was present on June 28th at the headquarters of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores Nacional.

The meeting, in which Xu Facheng, vice-president of the Ahhui Federation of Trade Unions and Juvandia Moreira, vice-president of the CUT, signed a Treaty of Friendship, Communication and Cooperation” between the two union entities, opened a dialogue.

Xu Facheng highlighted that the visit to Brazil aims primarily to reinforce communication and dialogue between unions in both countries, to better protect workers' rights.

The General Secretary of the CUT highlighted that the exchange of experiences between the Brazilian and Chinese trade union movements is very important because there are many Chinese industries here in Brazil and that, by understanding how trade unionism works in China, we will be able to work in partnership.

(Source: CUT, on June 28)