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Brazil intends to export DDG to China
Release time:2024-01-19
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In the Brazil China Meeting, brazilian agribusiness guarantees that it can meet the food demand of the Chinese market for the coming years in a sustainable manner and is betting on the green economy as the next frontier to be opened for products with greater added value.

Former senator and former Minister of Agriculture Katia Abreu stated that the country is ready to sell to the Chinese, for example, DDG (dry distillers grains, or grains dried by distillation). It is a by-product of ethanol made from corn, which is highly protein-rich and can be used to feed cattle.

“What Brazil produces today in DDG would be enough to feed 4 million heads of confined cattle for a period of one year. But DDG cannot be traded with China. There is no agreement for this signed between the two sides”, said Abreu during the Brazil China Meeting.

(Source: Valor Económico)