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University of São José wants to create biotechnology base in Macau to link China and Portugal
Release time:2023-12-13
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The University of São José (USJ) in Macau wants to help create a marine and environmental biotechnology base in the region that connects China and Portugal, a leader of the institution told Lusa.

USJ created the Sino-Portuguese Joint Laboratory for Marine and Environmental Sciences in October, in partnership with the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He added that one of the future objectives is to establish partnerships "with companies in Mainland China, Portugal and some that already exist in Macau to establish a business fabric".

In addition, USJ has already submitted plans for a degree programme in biotechnology to the Education and Youth Development Bureau, he said. He told Lusa that he hoped the degree, which will be offered jointly with UCP's Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry, could start in the 2024/2025 academic year.

(Source: SAPO)