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Three more slaughterhouses in Paraná qualified to sell meat to China
Release time:2023-12-01
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Federal deputy Zeca Dirceu stated on the 28th of November that three more slaughterhouses in Paraná may be authorized to sell chicken meat to China: Dip Frangos, from Capanema; Jaguafrangos Food Industry and Commerce, from Jaguapitã; and Gonçalves & Tortola de Maringá.

Zeca Dirceu participated in two traveling delegations to China to strengthen bilateral trade with Brazil. “It’s more development and job creation in Paraná,” he said.

The three new factories were evaluated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Supply and from the 4th to 8th of December, technicians from the Chinese government will inspect the slaughterhouses in Paraná.

The Asian country is the largest consumer of Brazilian meat and absorbs around two thirds of Brazilian product exports. The perspective of business sectors this year is for an increase of at least 50% in the sale of meat from Brazil to the Chinese market.

(Source: Tribuna do Vale)