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Goiás signs a partnership with Chinese Huawei for new technologies in public service
Release time:2023-11-10
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The Government of Goiás entered into a partnership on the 8th of November with the leading global provider of ICT solutions, Huawei, to develop technological solutions aimed at the state public service. The memorandum of understanding was signed by governor Ronaldo Caiado and the company's president, Sun Baocheng, in Shenzen, China.

“Huawei’s technical team will help in the development of new projects to make Goiás a technology hub”, reinforced the Secretary General of the Government, Adriano da Rocha Lima.

The objective is to create personalized tools to meet the specific needs of the state, covering various areas such as health, public safety and education. The tools will be developed at Huawei's Research and Development Center in Shenzen.

Caiado demonstrated great expectations for the signing of future contracts, which “should bring many benefits to Goiás”.

(Source: Agência Cora Coralina de Notícias)