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Governments of Bengo and Shandong provinces sign letter of intent for co-operation
Release time:2023-11-09
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On the 3rd of November, the governments of the provinces of Bengo (Angola) and Shandong (China) signed a letter of intent aimed at the social development of these regions.

The letter of intent will allow for the signing of a twinning protocol and support for the training of technicians in the Education, Health, Culture, Agriculture, Urban Planning, Tourism, Environment, Economy and Technology sectors.

The provincial governor of Bengo emphasised the good relations between Angola and China, saying that "it is a cooperation of friendship that strengthens both countries".

The Chinese delegation, which has been in Angola since the 31st of October, completed its agenda in Bengo with a visit to the Novagrolíder Agricultural Farm in Caxito and the "Sino Ord" mosaic, cardboard, tile and disposable nappy factory, as well as the industrial park in Barra do Dande.

(Source: Jornal de Angola)