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Setúbal Polytechnic hosts Sino-Portuguese Forum on Education
Release time:2023-11-03
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On 2 and 3 November, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) will host the Sino-Portuguese Forum on Cooperation and Development in Vocational and Higher Education, which will bring to Portugal a delegation from the Chinese region of Tianjin, including representatives from the Municipal People's Government, the Municipal Education Commission, the Academy of Education Sciences and the Vocational School of Mechanics and Electricity.

The meeting, which takes place a month after the 5th anniversary of Oficina Lu Ban Portuguesa, the Industry 4.0 laboratory set up at the Setúbal School of Technology (ESTSetúbal/IPS) in partnership with the Tianjin Municipal Government, will be an opportunity to publicise the work of this project, which is considered a "benchmark in Europe" in terms of technological innovation and school-enterprise cooperation.

The forum will bring together government authorities, academia and the business community from both countries, Portugal and China, and the opening session will be attended by the Secretary of State for Higher Education, Pedro Nuno Teixeira, and the Mayor of Setúbal, André Martins.

(Source: Setúbal Mais)