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The overseas communication activity sharing meeting of the "Charming Beijing" series was held successfully
Release time:2023-09-28
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The overseas communication activity sharing meeting of the "Charming Beijing" series was held today in the city of Beijing. 

"Charming Beijing" series was held today in the city of Beijing. Representatives of the event's organizers gave speeches. Representatives of the film crews from Brazil and Germany, China's foreign agencies and media representatives also attended.

At the sharing session on the theme of "Development and Cultural Heritage", Daniela Tassy, the Brazilian actress who played the Brazilian astronaut in the big hit Chinese film "The Wandering Earth II", told her story in Beijing.

Tarcísio Secoli, TVT Brasil team leader and participant in the event, said in his speech that the Brazilian team filmed from the perspective of Beijing's cultural heritage. He believes that Beijing is a city that combines traditional and modern elements, connecting the past and the future. "We hope that through the filming of this event, the Brazilian people can see the real Beijing and China."

(Source: China Radio International)