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Huawei gives Mozambique videoconferencing equipment
Release time:2021-04-09
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Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd of China has given Mozambique 26 sets of videoconferencing equipment and five sets of heat detection equipment, Rádio Moçambique reports.

The Mozambican state-owned broadcaster says the videoconferencing gear is for communication among government departments so they can react to local outbreaks of COVID-19.

The donation was made on Monday, Rádio Moçambique says.

Separately, the Chinese Embassy in Maputo issued a written statement quoting Mozambican Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education Daniel Nivagara as saying his country welcomes contributions by Chinese enterprises to the application of high technology to its development.

The statement quotes Chinese Ambassador to Mozambique Wang Hejun as saying his government prompts Chinese companies to help improve the social and economic environment of foreign countries they work in.

The potential for Sino-Mozambican cooperation in science, technology and building a digital economy is enormous, the Chinese Embassy statement quotes Mr Wang as saying.