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Cabo Verde to use Chinese vaccines against COVID-19
Release time:2021-04-21
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The Cabo Verdean authorities mean to use at least two Chinese-developed  vaccines against COVID-19 that the World Health Organization has approved, Lusa reports, citing a Cabo Verdean health official, Jorge Barreto.

Mr Barreto expects the vaccines to add to the Cabo Verdean stock, and so allow the inoculation of people nearer the back of the queue, the Portuguese news agency quotes Mr Barreto as saying on Monday.

He said the supply of other vaccines was still being negotiated.

The aim is to inoculate this year 70 per cent of adult Cabo Verdeans, Mr Barreto said.

The authorities have so far inoculated 8,330 with vaccines made by Pfizer of the United States and AstraZeneca of Britain and Sweden, having received nearly 30,000 of the 108,000 doses of vaccine due be supplied by the Covax arrangement, but the authorities calculate that they will need over 267,000 doses to do the job, Lusa says.