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Timor-Leste begins mass inoculation using Chinese vaccine
Release time:2021-06-16
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Timor-Leste has begun inoculating its people against COVID-19, using the CoronaVac vaccine devised by Sinovac Biotech Ltd of China, Xinhua reports.

The Chinese state-run news agency quotes Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste Xiao Jianguo as saying those with priority when mass vaccination began on Monday included teachers and tertiary students.

The report says Timorese Defence Minister Filomeno da Paixão and another government official, Abrão Saldanha, were among those first in line, and quotes both as saying CoronaVac can help curb COVID-19 in their country.

Chinese living in Timor-Leste will be inoculated, and they expressed thanks to China for donating the vaccine, Xinhua says.