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Opportunities seen for Chinese to bet on Portuguese recovery
Release time:2021-06-30
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China Economic Information Service Senior Analyst Yu Hui thinks the plan to spur economic recovery in Portugal means chances for Chinese companies to invest there, notably in applying digital electronic technology, in exploiting the sea, and in healthcare, Jornal Económico reports.

Ms Yu said so at a conference on new opportunities for Sino-Portuguese cooperation as the European economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Portuguese newspaper.

Ms Yu highlighted the potential for Sino-Portuguese cooperation in doing scientific research, in building ports and in applying technology, all for the purpose of exploiting the sea.

She said China and Portugal should make the most of the help Forum Macao can give them in cooperating trilaterally with other parts of the world, notably other lusophone parts, in the businesses of infrastructure, energy, transport, agriculture and healthcare.

The conference that Ms Yu addressed was put on by state-owned Bank of China, the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Portugal, and the Portugal-China Young Entrepreneurs Association, Jornal Económico says.