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Deals done to bring Chinese traditional medicines to Brazil
Release time:2021-07-06
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Fifteen Chinese makers of Chinese traditional medicines and eight Brazilian distributors struck deals at a business-matching session arranged by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao, the park managers say.

Some of those taking part attended online and some were physically present at the park, which is in the mainland Chinese city of Zhuhai, adjacent to Macao, according to a written statement issued by the mangers.

Chinese and Brazilian regulators also attended the gathering, held last week, to talk about registering Chinese traditional medicines in Brazil and other aspects of the supervisory regime there, the managers say.

Their statement quotes the head of the park, Lu Hong, as promising to set up an arrangement for Chinese and Brazilian companies to trade in Chinese traditional medicines.

The statement quotes Brazilian Consul-General in Hong Kong and Macao Rafael Rodrigues Paulino, representing Forum Macao, as expressing hope for greater Sino-Brazilian cooperation in the business.