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Envoy voices Chinese backing for Timorese membership of WTO
Release time:2021-07-27
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Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste Xiao Jianguo has expressed the support of China for the Timorese bid to join the World Trade Organization, his embassy says.

A Facebook post by the Chinese Embassy in Dili quotes Mr Xiao as voicing Chinese support when he and Timorese Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral met last Saturday.

Separately, the Timorese state-run news agency, ANTIL, quotes Mr Amaral as saying last week that a videoconference to be attended by senior figures this Thursday will discuss the Timorese bid for WTO membership.

The report says Mr Amaral remarked that joining the WTO required reforms to make the environment for doing business in Timor-Leste healthier and safer, and thus more attractive to foreign investors.

Foreign direct investment in Timor-Leste has helped create jobs in the country, ANTIL quotes Mr Amaral as saying.