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Gathering to mull Brazilian role in Belt and Road initiative
Release time:2021-10-12
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The Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) Rio de Janeiro Law School will hold online next week a five-day seminar on the part played by Brazil in the Chinese Belt and Road initiative, FGV says.

The Brazilian educational foundation says Brazilian and Chinese authorities in their fields will discuss challenging legal and economic aspects of Sino-Brazilian relations in matters of infrastructure, finance, technology and dispute resolution.

Among the speakers will be Mayor Eduardo Paes of Rio de Janeiro; Zhao Jianqiang, the chief executive of the Brazilian subsidiary of state-owned China Three Gorges Corp.; and Song Xiaoyan, dean of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics School of Law, the foundation says.

The foundation, the Chinese Embassy in Brasilia, and Brazilian law firm Kincaid Mendes Vianna Advogados are jointly arranging the seminar, which begins next Monday, FGV says.

Separately, a Brazilian news website, China Hoje, reports that attendance is free of charge, and that simultaneous interpretation will be available.