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Chinese-built dual-fuel bulker to ply Brazil-China route
Release time:2022-02-04
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The first Chinese-built giant bulk carrier capable of using two types of fuel has been delivered for service between Brazil and China, CGTN reports.

The Chinese state-run television broadcaster says the engines can burn  liquefied natural gas or conventional fuel oil, and that the ship can complete a return voyage between China and Brazil on one load of LNG.

The report says the ship’s emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are estimated to be 41 per cent less than international standards allow.

The 210,000-tonne ship was delivered to its owner last week, CGTN says.

Separately, the New Ships Orderbook website says the ship was built by Chinese state-owned Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co. Ltd for Eastern Pacific Shipping Pte of Singapore.