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Portuguese minister to promote products in China
Release time:2014-11-10
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Portugal’s minister for Agriculture and the Sea, Assunção Cristas, has arrived in Macao, the first stop in her trip to China, Lusa news agency reports.

The visit aims to promote Portuguese products in Mainland China, including wine and dairy products, Ms Cristas told Lusa. The official said that about 48 companies from Portugal would attend two trade fairs in Shanghai, while other enterprises are still seeking to establish partnerships with interested parties.

During the visit to China, the minister will also take part in the signing of the agreement between Viniportugal and the Chinese supermarket chain Cityshop, “which will promote Portuguese products,” she said. Viniportugal is an organisation created in 2010 to promote the Portuguese wine industry.

Ms Cristas also said she hopes to achieve further steps in opening the Chinese market to Portuguese exports of pork meat. The certification process is already running and the delegation hopes to “make good progress” during meetings in Beijing, she told Lusa.

The Portuguese minister also plans to promote investment opportunities in Portugal’s maritime economy.

Portugal has recently launched a campaign promoting investments in the field of marine bio resources, and has adopted a range of investment-friendly measures, including simplification of legislation, swiftness of approval procedures and the possibility of government support.