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Five thousand houses project is being built in Luanda
Release time:2023-08-17
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The Ribeirinho Lda business group plans to complete 5,000 middle-income 3-bedroom houses within three and a half years, which will be built in the "Onzo Yami" (my house, my home) urbanization, near the centrality of Sequele, in the municipality of Cacuaco, Luanda.

The laying of the foundation stone took place on the 12th of August, in an act attended by the Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, Carlos dos Santos.

For the execution of the urbanization "Onzo Yami", the company Ribeirinho Lda has the partnership of the Chinese business group Guizhou Construção, which finances in an investment of 500 million dollars and will build the project.

The project will be built in an area of 300 hectares and foresees the construction of 500 houses in a first phase that will be ready in July 2024.

(Source: Jornal de Angola)