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Brazilian entrepreneurs visit Chinese giants
Release time:2023-04-06
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Brazilian businessmen who are in Beijing visited on the 28th of March Chinese companies considered giants. The tour was organized by Apex-Brasil. The president of Apex-Brasil, Jorge Viana, and the leader of the Workers’ Party in the Chamber, Zeca Dirceu, accompanied the tour. 

In the morning, one of the groups with about 40 entrepreneurs visited the headquarters of Alibaba, one of the largest Chinese conglomerates in the technology sector, focused on e-commerce, virtual payments and cloud computing. The aim was to show entrepreneurs the possibilities of exporting Brazilian products via the digital platforms operated by the company, mainly in the Asian market.

After the visit to Alibaba, the delegation went on to a unit of the Freshippo supermarket, a network of Alibaba for the sale of fresh foods. The entrepreneurs followed explanations about the products and tasted the food displayed there.

(Source: Poder 360)