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BYD will arrive in Portugal in May
Release time:2023-04-20
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BYD is the largest Chinese manufacturer of electric vehicles, which, after establishing its position in its country of origin, is now preparing to enter the European market with force. Its presence in Portugal is still awaiting the definition of the last details, but the Observer found that everything will be finalized in the first days of May. The builder will initially propose a range of three models, to which two more modern ones will be added shortly afterward, to be proposed for around €30,000.

BYD is a monster that manufactures everything from batteries to semiconductors, including motors, converters, water pumps and chassis. In short, everything is needed to produce an electric car without relying on external suppliers.

In Portugal, BYD will be a private importer responsible for importing and retailing. In the start-up phase, there will be four stores, some of which have workshops, located in Porto, Ovar and Lisbon.

(Source: Observador)