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Vice-governor of Goiás meets with the ambassador and confirms trip to China in June
Release time:2023-05-10
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Through the vice-governor Daniel Vilela, the government of Goiás started a series of meetings to form a delegation that will travel to China to negotiate agreements and investment opportunities in the infrastructure, mobility, industry, agriculture and renewable energy sectors. Daniel met with the Chinese ambassador in Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao on the 2nd of May and reaffirmed the interest in expanding relations with the country.

Daniel Vilela reported to Ambassador Zhu that the delegation is organizing to leave for China still in the first half of June. The initial proposal is to visit companies, technology and industrial parks, to propose cooperation in the areas of food, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, automation, mobility, machinery, agricultural equipment, health, and technology.

“Goiás has business synergy with China and that is why we are planning the trip of a Goian delegation to the country, which is currently Brazil’s largest trade partner,” explained Daniel Vilela.

(Source: Jornal Opção)