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Chinese investment creates new jobs
Release time:2023-09-06
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Kikuxi Shopping was inaugurated on the 1st of September in Luanda at a ceremony witnessed by Angola's Minister of Industry and Trade, Rui Miguêns de Oliveira.

On the occasion, the minister said that Kikuxi Shopping is an important investment made in Angola by the Chinese company Niodior, as well as by some Angolan partners.

The president of the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce, Luís Cupenãla, said that the new venture is the mobilization of added foreign direct investment, the transfer of knowledge and new technologies, the diversification of the economy and industrialization.

"Here we want to encourage the Niodior group to invest in the Angolan economy and highlight the 52 million dollars that have been invested, which have created countless jobs for our youth," said the president of the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce.

(Source: Jornal de Angola)