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Chinese pharmaceutical company arrives in Brazil
Release time:2023-09-01
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The Chinese pharmaceutical industry is increasingly expanding its focus on Brazil. The chosen one this time was the city of Caaporã, which is in the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa, in Paraíba. The municipality will receive a Tonghua Dongbao Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. The announcement was made on the 28th of August.

According to the governor of Paraíba, João Azevêdo, the arrival of Chinese industry in the region will generate 450 jobs.

During Azevêdo's mission to China, a contract of intent was signed and, at the time, it was not possible to disclose the name of the laboratory, nor what types of medicine would be produced on Brazilian soil.

With more than two decades of operations, the Chinese pharmaceutical company was the first in its country to commercialize insulin-based products.

(Source: Panorama Farmacêutico)