Member Countries
Representatives from Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao visit Embassies of Portuguese-speaking Countries in Beijing
Release time:2022-03-04
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A delegation from the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, led by Secretary-General Mr Ji Xianzheng, was in Beijing between February 27 and March 2, paying a series of visits to the ambassadors or chargés d’affaires in China of, respectively, Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Timor-Leste.

During the exchanges, Secretary-General Mr Ji expressed his gratitude for the continuous support given by the Embassies of Portuguese-speaking Countries in China to the work of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macau.

As part of the programme for the visits, Mr Ji delivered an overview of the work carried out by the Permanent Secretariat in the previous year, as well as of the action plan for 2022, namely regarding trade and investment promotion, advancing Macau’s platform role, human resources cooperation, and cultural exchanges.

Mr Ji also used the visits to exchange views with all the relevant parties on the future development of Forum Macao.

Representatives of the Embassies of Portuguese-speaking Countries in China mentioned that their respective governments attached great importance to Forum Macao’s role as a platform. They also acknowledged that, despite challenges linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, the activities that the Permanent Secretariat had hosted last year had achieved positive outcomes.

The Representatives of the Embassies of Portuguese-speaking Countries in China pledged, as they had previously, to continue providing full support to the work of the Permanent Secretariat, making use of Forum Macao’s role as a multilateral cooperation mechanism, in order to deepen exchanges and cooperation in various areas, between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.