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SpaceSail will provide low-orbit satellite service in Brazil
Release time:2024-10-25
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On October 21, the Brazilian Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho, together with the president of Telebras, Frederico de Siqueira Filho, visited the factory of satellite company SpaceSail in Shanghai, China, including the company's facilities and control center. According to the Ministry of Communications (MCom), the SpaceSail intends to provide its Internet service via a constellation of low-orbit satellites in Brazil in the next two years.

The minister said that Brazil wants to enlarge the supply of low-orbit satellites service in Brazil and thus contribute to expanding connectivity of Brazil and bringing Internet to more Brazilians, especially those living in remote areas.

The visit to SpaceSail company is part of the meetings that the delegation of MCom has planned on its official visit to China, seeking to explore more commercial and technological opportunities and investment with the Chinese companies.

(Source: TELETIME, on October 21)