Member Countries
Agreement signed between the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce and the Angolan Bar Association
Release time:2024-05-13
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The agreement, signed by the president of the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce, Luís Cupeñala, and the president of the Angolan Bar Association, José Luís Domingos, aims to provide legal advice to Chinese investors and greater security for their interests.

The partnership guarantees the training of Angolan lawyers in the Mandarin language, to facilitate contact between the lawyers assigned to the OAA and the investors registered with the CAC. It also aims to bring the services provided by the Bar Association even closer together to ensure that they are available to the business community.

The president of the CAC said that the first step had been taken for Angolan lawyers to defend investors associated with the Chamber in court and other judicial bodies.

Luís Cupeñala said that the partnership would allow foreign investors to gain a better knowledge of the Constitution and the laws in force in the country, to defend themselves in cases of violation of their rights, as well as to carry out business within the regulatory limits.

(Source: Jornal de Angola, on May 12)