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Chinese community donates food baskets in eastern São Paulo
Release time:2024-04-26
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The Chinese community living in São Paulo donated 500 food baskets to needy families at the Cidade Tiradentes Cultural Training Center (CFCCT), on the east side of the São Paulo capital.

The activity took place on April 21 and was attended, among others, by the presidents of the Wenzhou Chinese Association of Brazil, Zhu Xuanchu; and the China Brazil Charity Association, Ge Haiyong; as well as members of the Chinese community in São Paulo.

Zhu pointed out that the donation was not only to celebrate the anniversary of the Cidade Tiradentes neighborhood, but also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the integration of the Chinese community into Brazilian society and make a positive contribution.

Ge presented details of the donation that benefited 500 families with basic food baskets, including rice, flour and oil, among other essential items.

(Source: Fórum magazine, on April 23)