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Brazilian trade union centers and Chinese trade union federation meet in São Paulo
Release time:2024-04-17
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Brazilian trade union centrals promoted a trade union exchange event with a delegation from the National Federation of Trade Unions of China (ACFTU). The meeting, held in São Paulo on April 15th, was organized by CSB, CUT, CTB, Força Sindical, NCST and UGT and had as its theme the strengthening of friendship and solidarity of workers and peoples of Brazil and China.

First Secretary of the ACFTU, Xu Liuping recalled that the Asian country is increasingly open to partnerships with foreign countries, such as Brazil, highlighting the importance of bilateral trade agreements between the two countries. Currently, Brazil is experiencing a new cycle of investment from China in strategic sectors of the national economy, such as the electricity sector, the textile industry and agribusiness.

The president of the CSB, Antonio Neto, highlighted the importance and possibility of a partnership between Brazil and China in Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I).

(Source: CSB, on April 15)