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Chinese and Brazilian governments negotiate export of Brazilian sesame to China
Release time:2024-04-09
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Experts from the bean, pulse and special crop sectors met on April 4 in Brasilia to discuss opening up the Chinese market for Brazilian sesame exports. A delegation from the Brazilian government will be traveling to China later this month to negotiate export protocols between the two countries.

"China demands a lot of sesame, they consume a lot of sesame. We have the conditions. Today sesame in Brazil has been growing gradually, doubling every year," says the president of the Bean Chain Sector Chamber, Afrânio Migliari.

Negotiations between the Brazilian delegation and the Chinese government began about two years ago. But in order for Brazil to be able to sell sesame produced domestically to China, it has to negotiate protocols required by China.

"We hope to be able to conclude this negotiation with technical issues so that the Brazilian exporter can export the product with safe quality and meet Chinese requirements. The issue we are discussing now is to have the best possible technical requirements, that is, those that cause the lowest level of cost and burden to Brazilian exporters," said the Secretary of Agricultural Defense, Carlos Gourlat.

(Source: uol, on April 5)