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Chinese machines for family farming could be manufactured in Brazil later this year
Release time:2024-01-29
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On February 2, Chinese technicians and university professors will take part in a meeting in Rio Grande do Norte to assess what adaptations are needed for the use of machines from the Asian country on Brazilian soil.

The meeting marks the beginning of a new phase in the partnership between the Brazilian and Chinese governments, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST) and the state of Rio Grande do Norte itself. Sealed in 2022, the agreement aims to provide machinery and technology from the Asian country for family farming in Brazil.

"This is the meeting that will inaugurate a machine validation program for family farmers. The machines are not going to be put into practice yet, they are coming to be validated in Brazil, if they work in our climate, geography.

According to the minister, "production is expected to begin in 2024". The project has funding from the Mais Alimentos program, which the federal government resumed in June last year.

(Source: CUT-SP, on January 26)