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Log-In receives Log-In Evolution ship in China
Release time:2024-01-10
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Log-In reported on the 5th of January that the Log-In Evolution ship, a container ship with a nominal capacity of 3,158 TEUs, was received by the company's subsidiary in China. The ship will enter into operation on the 10th of January, in Shanghai, from where it will be positioned for Brazil.

The vessel, built at the Chinese shipyard Zhoushan Changhong International Shipyard Co., has a total length of 199.98 meters and a beam of 35.2 meters.

The company highlights, among its features, catalysts for reducing nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases, remote monitoring of machinery and navigation data, lighting lamps, hull painting with friction reduction and high durability and electric motors with inverter frequency.

(Source: Valor Económico)