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Chinese wind turbine factory announced in Bahia
Release time:2023-11-03
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On 30 October, the government of Bahia, Brazil, announced a partnership with the Chinese company Goldwind Energia Renováveis to manufacture wind turbines. The factory is expected to start operating in March 2024.

The state government said that the agreement will generate around 1,000 jobs in the state. The factory will be set up in the municipality of Camaçari, in the metropolitan region of Salvador, at the plant where the General Electrics (GE) wind turbine unit operates. 

"Confirming the installation of yet another factory in our state confirms Bahia's national prominence in the renewable energy generation sector. As well as promoting sustainable development, we are boosting our economy, generating more jobs, income and, consequently, better living conditions for Bahians," said Governor Jerônimo Rodrigues.

(Source: Canal Rural)