Member Countries
CICG launches China and Latin America-Caribbean Think Tanks and Media Alliance
Release time:2023-09-26
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The Sixth Dialogue Between the Civilizations of China and the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Countries took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on September 11 local time. The Media and Think Tank League of China and Latin American and Caribbean Countries, initiated by the China International Communications Group Center for the Americas (CICG Americas) was launched at the opening ceremony. On behalf of league members, President of CICG Americas Li Yafang read out the league’s Joint Declaration. 

The founding members of the league are 18 media and think tanks from China, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Peru.

The objectives aim to contribute with the media and think tanks to jointly build a cooperation platform, promoting the work of think tanks and media and their collaboration in the exchange of information, joint interviews, joint productions, exchange of manuscripts, staff visits, professional training, academic seminars, research projects, etc.

(Source: Brasil 247)