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Macau received more than 3,000 visitors from Portugal between January and August
Release time:2023-09-21
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Macau, one of the most sought after Asian destinations by the Portuguese, received up to and including August 3,164 tourists from Portugal, according to official statistics.

The information shows that the majority were tourists, that is, they stayed at least one night at the destination, and that there were 2,552, with the remainder being day trippers.

The information shows that this year's numbers reflect “explosive” growth compared to last year, but without avoiding major drops in relation to 2019, pre-pandemic, in which Macau received 10.3 thousand tourists from Portugal in the first eight months.

In the eight months from January to August, inclusive, the number of tourists from Europe in Macau was 35.1 thousand, including 9.6 thousand from the United Kingdom, other tourists from France, Russia, Germany and Portugal.

(Source: PressTur)