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Works on old warehouses in the Port of Santos do Brasil begin soon
Release time:2023-09-20
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The first phase of work on the Valongo park, in the area of the former warehouses 4, 5 and 6 of the Port of Santos, begins on the 21st of September. The project will transform areas of former port warehouses into spaces for leisure, socializing, sporting and cultural activities.

In this stage, the restoration and revitalization of warehouse 4 and the stone house, which is located next door, will be carried out, in addition to the construction of the infrastructure for the leisure area, in warehouses 5 and 6. The expected delivery of this phase will be in July 2024.

The works will be carried out by Cofco International Brasil through an agreement signed between Santos City Hall and the company in May this year. Trimmc foresees an investment of R$15 million by the company.

(Source: Official website of Santos City Hall)