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University of Macau seeking postgrads from lusophone world
Release time:2021-03-16
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The University of Macau is keen to enrol more postgraduate students from Portuguese-speaking parts of the world, Macau Business reports, citing Rector Song Yonghua.

Mr Song said in an interview that he was increasing cooperation by his university and other universities with a view to encouraging more students and teachers in lusophone countries to avail of scholarships in Macao and to come to the city to do research, the magazine said on Saturday.

Mr Song said Vice-rector Rui Martins’s strategy for engagement abroad by the University of Macau focused on the function of Macao as a place where China and the Portuguese-speaking world can do business.

The Portuguese language department at the University of Macau is the biggest outside Portugal or Brazil, offering programmes leading to degrees up to and including PhDs, Macau Business quotes Mr Song as saying.