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Products of lusophone world to go on show in Hangzhou Macao Week
Release time:2021-03-18
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The eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou will observe Macao Week from March 26 to 29, the Macao Government Tourism Office says.

A road show will bring an array of booths to the popular Hubin Pedestrian Street in Hangzhou, including a booth displaying products of Portuguese-speaking parts of the world,  the office stated in writing on Tuesday.

The office says the road show will bring to the city a programme of performances which will include Portuguese folk dancing, a dragon dance, a lion dance, a magic show and music by a Macao band, Tuna Macanese.

Together with the Macanese Gastronomic Brotherhood and the Grand Hyatt Hangzhou hotel, the Macao Government Tourism Office will put on an event to promote Macanese cuisine from March 26 to April 11, its statement says.

Last September the Portuguese news agency, Lusa, reported that  Beijing had observed its own Macao Week, which brought to the city an exhibition of the products of lusophone countries, and an open-air café serving Portuguese wines and Portuguese-style egg tarts.