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City University of Macau to publish study on Guinea-Bissau
Release time:2021-06-16
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The City University of Macau Institute for Research on Portuguese-speaking Countries is getting ready to publish an academic study on Guinea-Bissau written in Chinese, Lusa reports.

The Portuguese news agency says the study is one of a series giving an academic basis for cooperation by China and the lusophone world.

The institute published last week one equivalent study, on São Tomé and Príncipe, and published last year another, on Timor-Leste, the report says.

It quotes Wu Yuxian, an assistant professor at the institute and the editor of the forthcoming publication, as saying the series will look first at smaller lusophone countries, such as Cabo Verde, and later at bigger ones.

Money from the Macao Higher Education Fund has been paying for academic research on lusophone countries since 2018, for the purpose of increasing cooperation by China and the Portuguese-speaking world, and to finding opportunities abroad for people in Macao and mainland China, Lusa says.